Sign In

Before Sign In

  1. An Email address will be required to sign into the MyMoffitt Patient Portal.
  2. If you do not have an e-mail address, you can get one free of charge at these web sites – Google, Yahoo, or Microsoft Outlook.
  3. You will need access to a high-speed internet connection.
    1. This type of connection is sometimes called a broadband connection.
    2. If you do not have this access, public libraries have computers with this type of connection available.

Patient Portal Features

  1. View upcoming appointments and appointment instructions.
  2. Request appointment changes or cancellations.
  3. View/edit your personal information.
  4. View your medical records.
  5. Request RX refills.
  6. Pay your Moffitt bill online.
  7. Find helpful information on patient-related topics.

First Time User

  1. Login to the MyMoffitt Patient Portal –
  2. You will need your Moffitt Medical Record Number to enroll.  If you don’t know it, click the plus sign before I need help finding my Moffitt Medical Record Number.

    Note: The MRN look up will only work if you had a portal account prior to June 22, 2018.

  1. Once you have your Medical Record Number, click the Enroll Now button.

  1. Complete all fields that have a red asterisk (*) in front of it; then click the Next button.

  1. If a pop-up is received like the one below, follow the instructions; then click Verify.

  1. Complete all fields that have a red asterisk (*) in front of it; then click the Next, Create Your Account button.

  1. Enter your email address under I Need an Account; then click Sign Up.

  1. Moffitt Cancer Center uses Cerner Health to provide a secure username and password used to access your patient record information.  If you already have an account with Cerner Health you will see the screen below, you may login with your existing account by entering your password and clicking the Sign In button.  If you don’t have an account, click the Create an account link.

  1. Complete this form and click the Create Account button.

  1. You will be on the MyMoffitt Patient Portal home page.

  1. Once enrolled, you will receive an email similar to the one below.

Returning User                                    

  1. Login to the MyMoffitt Patient Portal –

  2. Enter your Email address or username and Password in the appropriate fields and click Sign In.

  3. You will be on the MyMoffitt Patient Portal home page.

Forgot Password                                    

  1. Click on the Forgot Password? link for assistance with resetting your password.
  2. Enter your Email address or username, click the box to the left of I’m not a robot and then click Next; continue to follow the instructions on the following pages
  3. If a pop-up is received like the one below, follow the instructions; then click Verify.